Re: comments from strangers
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Posted by Giselle on October 31, 1999 at 05:38:50:
In Reply to: Re: comments from strangers posted by Cyane on October 30, 1999 at 01:54:50:
If you're in highschool and doing this, then I give you credit. Those of us that are out of highschool can tell you that a lot people act like jerks at that age. I congratualate on your individuality, because through that you appreciate people that are different, and you don't give them the same type of treatment that some of your classmates do. Believe me, when you realize how insecure and ignorant and idiotic some people are, comments that offend you now will eventually be like water off a duck's back. In highschool, the thing is to 'blend' and be part of the 'clique'-- safety in numbers sort of thing. But that is based in insecurity and a lack of courage to express one's true self. For the numbsculls that harass you, just pity them, because they don't know themselves well enough to realize that they are just as individual and weird and separate from the rest us. I love Mehndi as a way to express myself. I love the attention and I hope I bring a little enlightenment to those that have never seen it. Even the rude comments come from a base of ignorance, and when most people know its origins, then comes a new respect -- even from those that may not like it. :^)