Re: henna in the workplace
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on November 04, 1999 at 14:21:32:
In Reply to: Re: comments from strangers posted by Giselle on November 04, 1999 at 11:10:46:
: if they say that you shouldn't, say "Sorry, I just got it : done because I thought it looked great..." HEH, HEH, HEH....that works! : Another thing, older people are pretty cool about it once you :explain : it to them. They usually appreciate the traditional, : passed-through-the-generations quality about Mehndi.
Yes, I;ve also found this to be true. The older ladies in the accounting dept thought I was crazy at first, but then I explained a little about the history...and then they saw a special on TV, and now they can't stop asking about my designs (which are usually historically-based). And when I explained what it was to the gruff professor that I work for, his eyes lit up with understanding -- he's been to India and highly respects that culture, but had never seen mehndi designs up now he's not so gruff with me anymore... :)