Camophor trial 2: put the camphor in LAST, and open the window!
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Posted by Catherien Cartwright Jones on November 04, 1999 at 15:35:37:
I put 1/2 lemon juice and 1/2 camphor spirit in henna powder to mix the henna paste, and left it for 18 hours at 70F. Big mistake. Learned a couple of things. DO NOT put camphor spirit into the initial soak with the henna. It HAS to go in at the very last. The henna paste separated...lots of brown runny hennotannic acid separated from the leaf paste . That usually happens in about 3-4 days with just lemon juice, and it means that dye is exhausted and won't stain worth a damn. Because camphor is such a strong oxidant, (or I think that's why) the dye release was incredibly fast, and trashed the paste. This camphor henna stain looks pretty poor. The non-camphor henna side by side looks fine. So, put the camphor spirit in LAST just before you henna! Don't use too much camphor spirit! Ventilate the room! With half camphor spirit and half lemon juice the henna paste scent is absolutely vile (rotten grapefruit peel smell) and gave me an evil headache, ( I was hennaeing 3 hours, doing a slow lefty job) and this morning I feel hung over. Open the woindow, use less camphor, or don't henna for long with this stuff. If you use a lot of camphor spirit, and put it in at the start, the paste is very brittle when it dries, and doesn't pull lines well. So...this time, the plain paste is coming up much darker on the side by side, because the campnor spirit , added at the beginning of the mixing trashed the paste. This henna is going to get a big visit from the exfolient fairy!