Camphor interesting, but at what cost?
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Posted by MyST on November 04, 1999 at 19:17:03:
In Reply to: Camophor trial 2: put the camphor in LAST, and open the window! posted by Catherien Cartwright Jones on November 04, 1999 at 15:35:37:
Wow this hopefully won't come off like I'm trashing the Camphor idea, but the truth is, part of the experience of henna for me is the smell. If I have to be careful as to not get a headache, that would take a little of the experience out of it for me. That's one reason why I either mix my paste up using Castle Art powder, or just rely on Matthew's Mehnd MUD premixed stuff. It's so easy to use, and leaving it on 1 hour sure beats wrapping and lemon sugar and such. I have such a gorgeous stain after about an hour of leaving the design on my hand last's incredible that the paste I'm using I have had in my fridge since August. The key is to make sure that you AIRPROOF the container. For me that usually means just putting saran wrap over the opening and then putting the bottle top back on. I dunno, I am all about simplicity and using something that will not only produce beautiful results, but also that makes the experience better for the client, or myself!!! :)~ MyST