patterns, silks, leather
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 07, 1999 at 15:15:49:
In Reply to: you are a treasure! posted by Kym on November 07, 1999 at 08:35:11:
To get designs from me? Just ask...and be able to open a gif file when it arrives and print it out, and if you want lots, be able to open a zip file. And...agree to respect copyright...(they're yours free to use in your hennaeing, but don't reprint, publish, or pass them around). Henna will stain most natural fibers wonderfully. Wash your fabric to get out all possible fixatives and gunk that would interfere with dye uptake. Henna the cloth as you would your hand. Try on test swatches first, because wicking and such will be different on every cloth you try. Make sure the paste is on the cloth, not floating on the fluff just above it. Use an absolutely simple paste recipe. Just lemon juice or so. Let the henna paste dry on the cloth. Iron the dry paste on the cloth on HIGH. Every pass of the iron will make the henna stain darker, and the scent of ironed henna is fabulous!!! If you're fussy about your ironing board cover, cover it with paper towels before you iron. If the henna is flaking off too much as you iron, put paper towels over the henna when you iron it. Leather and drum heads....much the same, but don't iron it on high. Carefully balancinging spritzing and blowdrying helps (careful not to ruin the drumhead) ...or with patience the henna will just oxidize over time to a very dark color.
- Re: patterns, silks, leather George Karakey 17:16:13 1/20/01
- Re: patterns, silks, leather icedtea 16:53:47 1/10/01
- Re: patterns, silks, leather Christene George 18:03:00 12/28/00
- Re: patterns, silks, leather wendy vollmer 14:11:51 12/14/00
- Re: patterns, silks, leather Tom 10:03:48 12/01/00
- Re: patterns, silks, leather cheryl 11:17:35 9/14/00
- Re: please if you have any leather patterns to share, i would ge so grateful, thanks deb rowden 21:53:19 8/27/00
- Re: patterns, silks, leather Kenzi 23:00:09 11/08/99
- Re: linen Natasha Papousek 17:58:40 11/09/99