My camphor trials
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Posted by Natasha papousek on November 08, 1999 at 16:50:44:
Unable to resist, I tried adding spirit of camphor to my batch and experimented over the week-end. 2 tsp henna powder, enough lemon juice and tea to mix, 1/8 tsp spirit of camphor, and some honey. I didn't experience the separation problems that Catherine mentioned. Trial #1: an anklet using paste that probably wasn't matured enough (I couldn't wait!). When I removed the paste Sat. morning, the stain was really light and I was fairly disappointed. But 48 hours later, it has browned up to a lovely dark brown. Trial #2: Saturday night, a design on the top of my foot which is traditionally difficult to stain. By this time the paste was 3 days old, but still in good texture. Sunday morning, the stain was bright orange and continues to darken. Trial #3: Sunday night, a complementary stain on the other foot. The paste seemed a little grainy -- not as smooth as the night before, but still felt tingly cool like the previous two appliations. This morning, the stain came out nice and orange, but not as bright as Saturdays's. It's too early to tell how it will darken. I'll keep you posted as things develop. And I want to test using spirit of camphor as prep before using a regular paste.