Re: Henna as spiritual and ritual healing
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Posted by Roxanne on November 09, 1999 at 01:48:54:
In Reply to: Henna as spiritual and ritual healing posted by MyST on November 08, 1999 at 20:50:09:
Thinking of you and your family. We just lost my husband's mom a few months ago to liver failure. She also was cremated and we had no funeral service. Know that she's at peace and feels the love that you're putting out into the universe. Also, realize that doing something privately (a special mehndi session, a special meditation, releasing a balloon with your thoughts and prayers, doing mehndi on the balloon that you release!, etc.)may be important for you to feel you've achieved some closure. I always feel that designs that come to you at any given time can be used for healing and ritual. When the thought comes to you in the midst of drawing or doodling, then perhaps those are designs that can be used for your own personal healing ritual. Many symbols are indicative of healing. One of the most basic is a wavy line. It was used to indicated healing energy/powers in ancient petroglyphs. Spirals are a symbol of the continuing cycle that we are a part of. Leaves and flowers are often symbols of growth, healing and rebirth. I hope this helps you :-)