Henna as spiritual and ritual healing
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Posted by MyST on November 08, 1999 at 20:50:09:
I want to first thank everyone that was so supportive when I told you that my aunt was in the hospital w/liver failure. I got the phone call from mom last night that she had passed...and in a way it is a relief to know that the suffering has stopped. I would love to see patterns that inspire spiritual healing....especially since I am feeling quite a loss and I want to wear designs that show tribute to her life and the way it touched mine and contributed to who I am. Especially since I'm not going home for the wake (she's not having a funeral, she's being creamated)......any suggestions would be much appreciated. Feel free to send them to shawnb@wallacemarx.com or mehndimyst@aol.com. Thanks again, MyST http://mehndimyst.freeservers.com