Talking heads and cluelessness
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 10, 1999 at 15:41:34:
In Reply to: Henna as "ink" mentioned on Later Today posted by Anne on November 10, 1999 at 14:53:28:
I just got booked in for a similar show and I'm going to TRY to get henna info out without it being scrambled. Problem is, with newspaper, tv and such, the time allotted to each segment is miniscule, and the talking head in charge wasn't hired for depth of intellingence, but ability to sparkle on camera. My interviewer was startled that I insisted he go over my website before the interview, so he would have some familiarity with the subject. He was all ready to have his hand hennaed on camera until he found out that the stain would be there for three weeks, and he absolutely freeked! He said he preferred the "freshness" of being totally unfamiliar with his interviewee....... Oh boy. He knows not what peril he is in.