Re: Talking heads and cluelessness
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Posted by roxanne on November 10, 1999 at 17:27:48:
In Reply to: Talking heads and cluelessness posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 10, 1999 at 15:41:34:
As a former journalist, I find it irresponsible to not be familiar with one's subject. A friend of mine had a disastrous interview w/a local reporter (not me!). She is a yoga instructor and the interviewer, I kid you not, wanted to know, "How does one become a yogurt instructor and how do you feel about the non-fat and sugar free varieties?" Keep your wits about you, Catherine! If he asks stupid questions be sure to set him straight!!! My poor friend could hardly stop laughing after her initial deer-in-headlights "did I actually hear that?" face, of course.