Re: Great henna cones...problems with syringe
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Posted by Jena on November 11, 1999 at 01:26:46:
In Reply to: Re: Great henna cones...problems with syringe posted by Kenzi on November 11, 1999 at 00:10:45:
I got my syring at Walmart and it came with a sweet little brush that works fantastic! Does yours have a little black rubber plug on the end of the wand you shove through the tube? Does mine ever have suction! It sucks it right up and spits it out 123 so clean! Maybe there is something wrong with yours.: A little off the topic but I have to say that I found the baby : medicine syringe to be totally useless. Did I get the wrong kind? I : can suck up the henna fine, but when I try to squirt it into my : bottles there is not suction. I guess the henna is sticking to the : walls of the syringe and not staying at the bottom forming a vacuum. : In the end, the henna just sticks to the sides, doesn't come out : unless I tap the syringe endlessly (and then it only comes out in : little spurts). Very frustrating. Any ideas? Maybe I need one of : those ear syringes.