Re: color results
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Posted by Anon on November 15, 1999 at 13:23:48:
In Reply to: color results posted by Jenna on November 15, 1999 at 01:13:56:
: The paste at the beginning of the tube must have been : concentrated, because the color on my design stinks. : maybe after a week the camphor ate up the ggod stuff in the paste. Back up and give us some details: How much camphor and what kind? Was the tube in the refridgerator? Which way was it sitting (was the top up, down, or on the side)? What other ingredients were in your paste? Had you tried it earlier, and if so, what kind of color did you get? Maybe the camphor or other ingredients caused a separation. If so, I'd like to try mixing & letting it sit, to see if some intense paste can then be decanted off the top (or taken from the bottom or whatever). Did the first bit of paste have a different texture?