Re: color results
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Posted by Jenna on November 15, 1999 at 14:34:33:
In Reply to: Re: color results posted by Anon on November 15, 1999 at 13:23:48:
: : The paste at the beginning of the tube must have been : : concentrated, because the color on my design stinks. : : maybe after a week the camphor ate up the ggod stuff in the paste. : Back up and give us some details: : How much camphor and what kind? Was the tube in the refridgerator? : Which way was it sitting (was the top up, down, or on the side)? What : other ingredients were in your paste? Had you tried it earlier, and : if so, what kind of color did you get? : Maybe the camphor or other ingredients caused a separation. If so, : I'd like to try mixing & letting it sit, to see if some intense paste : can then be decanted off the top (or taken from the bottom or : whatever). Did the first bit of paste have a different texture? OK, using indian henna, my paste was mixed with lemmon clove mixture and after I mixed it up I then added 5 or 6 drops of white camphor from Aura Cacia. The color I got from this was a dark seinna, but not as dark as I wanted it or as burgandy as I was looking for. I froze it in a plastic cone I made double bagged. Defrosted it twice, left it out for a day, put it back in the fridge (not freezer). When I tested it I squished the cone to mix things up, squeezed the dry stuff out of the tip and commenced to my double testing with a good sized dot on the arm. Both times it came out almost black after five minutes. The color of the paste was very dark , I guess from sitting. Oh well, I still think I must have got the concentrated part of it all, unless someone else has tried week old paste with camphor in it with great, or weak results?