Thanks for the advice! Re: Hair: fresher, hotter, longer....redder
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Posted by Henna diva on November 16, 1999 at 21:09:47:
In Reply to: Hair: fresher, hotter, longer....redder posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 16, 1999 at 19:49:31:
Thanks for the advice Catherine and Natasha! I guess I'll just have to buy a fresh batch of henna for my hair. And apply it several times. Also, that thing you said about the Kore statues is really interesting. We studied some Kouroi/Korae (sp?) from the Greek Archaic period in my art class, and that's something I hadn't even considered when looking at the sculpture -- maybe something to do some "extra credit" for. Thanks again. . . I'll let you guys know how my next attempts go. Maybe I'll even make a webpage dedicated just to henna'ed hair. : The red hair thing.....using the traditional method. : Get the best (freshest)hair henna you can find. Make up the henna : paste with lemon juice. Wash your hair. Muck the henna paste : thickly into your hair and braid the hair with the paste in. Wind : your henna-plastered braids into a turban. Leave that up to 3 days. : (source, rural Iraqi, early 20th century) (Good results will happen in : just a long afternoon in the sun, with your hair wrapped in : clingwrap. (source, British suburban teenage girl, 1998) Your hair : will rinse out red, but it won't be permanent. It will gradually go : back to just a red glow over your natural color in 8 weeks. : Also...henna your hair frequently, and it will build up red. Mine's : gotten really red after 2 years hennaeing. : The Kore statues from 500 B.C.E. in Greece were depicted as having red : hair, with waves as though it had just been unravelled after several : days of being braided. I suspect that these young women, being : "bride-ish" were ladies who had just hennaed their hair in : celebration. (I don't think there were an awful lot of women with : naturally curly red hair in Greece at that time. There are also : traces of red along the soles of the feet of one of them ... the hands : are mostly non-existant, so can't tell if they were meant to be : hennaed.