Hair: fresher, hotter, longer....redder
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 16, 1999 at 19:49:31:
In Reply to: Henna won't dye my hair! posted by Henna diva on November 16, 1999 at 04:44:12:
The red hair thing.....using the traditional method. Get the best (freshest)hair henna you can find. Make up the henna paste with lemon juice. Wash your hair. Muck the henna paste thickly into your hair and braid the hair with the paste in. Wind your henna-plastered braids into a turban. Leave that up to 3 days. (source, rural Iraqi, early 20th century) (Good results will happen in just a long afternoon in the sun, with your hair wrapped in clingwrap. (source, British suburban teenage girl, 1998) Your hair will rinse out red, but it won't be permanent. It will gradually go back to just a red glow over your natural color in 8 weeks. Also...henna your hair frequently, and it will build up red. Mine's gotten really red after 2 years hennaeing. The Kore statues from 500 B.C.E. in Greece were depicted as having red hair, with waves as though it had just been unravelled after several days of being braided. I suspect that these young women, being "bride-ish" were ladies who had just hennaed their hair in celebration. (I don't think there were an awful lot of women with naturally curly red hair in Greece at that time. There are also traces of red along the soles of the feet of one of them ... the hands are mostly non-existant, so can't tell if they were meant to be hennaed.