Re: Hair: fresher, hotter, longer....redder
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Posted by Emmie Carter on November 17, 1999 at 16:55:51:
In Reply to: Hair: fresher, hotter, longer....redder posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 16, 1999 at 19:49:31:
High wierdness. My boss, who's hired me to do mehndi (amung other things) doesn't like the way this henna I'm using (which she buys) is so very bright orange. It's a deep, bright orange. I have left it on skin for twenty hours. What the hey? I don't particularly mind it, because it's a deep stain. (Why is orange such an unpopular color...?) But, for the sake of my education, I'd like to ask: Can someone tell me some colors they have enjoyed seeing on skin, where that particular henna has come from, and most importantly offer me any 1-800 numbers pertaining to the aquisition of these beautiful hennas? Emmie