I wonder.....
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Posted by Shel on November 16, 1999 at 22:52:11:
In Reply to: Hair: fresher, hotter, longer....redder posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 16, 1999 at 19:49:31:
If blowdrying your hair with the henna in would give you the same effect as an afternoon in the sun with clingwrap?? Anyone tried it??? Also I know we've covered not hennaing dyed hair, blond shades in particular, because of the possibility of turning your hair a nifty shade of orange but what about when you dye your hair shades of reds?? Mine is a deep black cherry color when first done (undyed its mouse brown) but fades quickly in the desert sun. I'm wondering if hennaing my hair once the color started to fade will boost the color a bit or will it do an orange number on it?? Anyone tried to henna hair that is routinely dyed in a red shade??