Re:...Camphor Trials (Campho-phenique)
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Posted by Tracy S. on November 17, 1999 at 13:25:47:
In Reply to: The later stages of the celebrated Camphor Trials posted by Kenzi on November 17, 1999 at 02:56:45:
: I brought this up in an earlier thread and i think it got lost in the : onward motion of other discussions. My question/suggestion is this: : what have you all discovered as to the longevity of the stain when : using camphor in your henna paste? I ask this of all of you who I experimented with a Campho-phenique knock-off (Eckerds brand) that contained camphor, phenol, citric acid, and eucalyptus oil. I used some henna. Mixed to paste with lemon/tea. One hour spot test with no cover yielded a sastifactory orange stain. Let paste sit for 6 hours. Added a few drops of campho-phenique knock-off right before applying small design to top of foot which normally stains easily. Covered with lemon/sugar/mask and "Did my M.A.T.H". Slept and woke up to find the faintest stain I've ever seen. I've had milk stains darker than that :) What the &%$#??? Any ideas what went wrong? Am I still this some horrible nightmare where my skin has become impervious to henna...eeeeeeeekkkkk! Some body pinch me!