The later stages of the celebrated Camphor Trials
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Posted by Kenzi on November 17, 1999 at 02:56:45:
I brought this up in an earlier thread and i think it got lost in the onward motion of other discussions. My question/suggestion is this: what have you all discovered as to the longevity of the stain when using camphor in your henna paste? I ask this of all of you who tried it, but especially Catherine, who did a thigh-to-thigh comparison. My experience thus far has been that the stain from henna paste with camphor does not last as long. The initial stain is DARK and then after a week it fades, looking like a three-week old stain using just henna and lemon juice. My camphor trial was not side by side, but I did keep everything consistent with previous non-camphor henna experiences. I gave it the usual lemon-sugar soaking, I wrapped it up tight, slept on it, kept it warm and under the covers next to my body, I avoided water the next day and didn't touch it with water until 24-36 hours after application. I even gave it a daily dose of camphor after the paste came off. What did you all discover...please share.