Re: Camphor and meteors
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Posted by Tracy S. on November 17, 1999 at 21:30:43:
In Reply to: Camphor and meteors posted by Natasha Papousek on November 17, 1999 at 14:34:03:
: After tonight, the comet (the meteors : are actually debris from the comet's tail) starts to head back out : away from the sun and earth and the meteors will drop off sharply. SO : if you missed them last night, see them tonight! : --this message brought to you by the Astronomy department of the : University of Texas at Austin... And... before it comes 'round again it will pass fairly close to Jupiter... I think it was Jupiter. Anyway, Jupiter's gravity is expected to alter the course of the Leonid meteor and it is possible it won't be 'round again for a hundred or so years... if it does, its only expected to give a light "shower" instead of the meteor "storm" expected tonight. Happy star-gazing!