Some crucial henna music
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 17, 1999 at 14:10:08:
WOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!! More music to henna by! Hassan Hakmoun and Zahar, "Trance" notes list it as "Primal Moroccan trance tradition collides with Psychadelic New York rock and London dance grooves". (that summarizes it perfectly) RealWorld , 0 1704-62332-2 2 , published by Womad/Virgin 1993 When I put this on to play this morning, I dropped my coffee cup, the time I did that for music was "Disraeli Gears" . Jimi Hendrix must have reincarnated in Morocco. Very intense, very energetic, very sexy ...... very henna! NOT calming and soothing, but soothing is why you have the Sheila Chandra CDs. If you are feeling unmotivated and blue as winter sets in, this will get you moving! (I'll never ever make money hennaeing if I keep stopping at bookstores and music stores on the way home)