Re: after-care
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 20, 1999 at 01:54:08:
In Reply to: after-care posted by Loryz on November 20, 1999 at 00:23:35:
All-in-all, the club gigs may be best suited for Temptu ( www.temptu.com ) ..... it's really tough to catch and hold the attention of a client who's boozy and on the make ... and they have no damn memory at all after the 7th Tequila slammer. Henna really DOES require that the client be sentient. But, if you really want to do henna at a club, take many bottles of liquid New Skin and a blowdryer or two. When the henna is blown dry, have THEM paint on the New Skin carefully over their henna. That will not only seal it down, but will get them to participate physically in the care and appreciation of their henna. This MAY solve all your problems in one shot. Liquid latex should work, but I would be uneasy using it, as I have an awful record for bumping and slopping and it RUINS clothing! If the club isn't so swealtering that you can use a wrap, do one with beaucoup sparkles and glitters and an excuse sheet so it will be a novelty and a laugh. The wrap IS useful in keeping their paws off the henna until it's done its job. Otherwise, they may be perspiring so heavily from dancing and drinking for New Skin to be adequate, and you can not bother with a wrap. Other club notes: Have EVERYTHING written down in large letters in big books so you can point to prices and pictures. No one in a club can be heard for the deafening music. Have aftercare sheets to stuff in their pockets. Keep all your patterns and such in those lovely plastic sleeve presentation books, so they won't be ruined when your client puts a wet drink on the page. Never go out with the originals of your pattern sheets, take only copies, because someone WILL dump a drink or a cigarette on the book at some point.
If you have a mellow club where the people are having a nice civilized evening, you'll have a delightful time, and do some great business! If you are in a club that goes straight to "booze up and riot", you'll be fine till midnight, but after that, your clientele may be so trashed that they're not much fun to deal with.