Re: out of the dark ages
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Posted by Kenzi on November 23, 1999 at 00:40:43:
In Reply to: Re: out of the dark ages posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 22, 1999 at 02:14:57:
: Don't get impatient and rub and scrub! NS will come off in a day even : if you ignore it and just let it flake off with the flexing of your : skin. One day's annoyance with New Skin, is, to me, worth being sure : that delicate complex patterns will NOT smear, and will be very dark : and absolutely pristine. So really you don't need to even try to remove that what you are saying? Just leave it on until in falls off....especially good since you want to leave the henna on as long as possible anyway. Or should one at least rub it with oil occasionally but otherwise ignore it? Please advise this NS newbie.