Re: out of the dark ages
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 23, 1999 at 01:37:51:
In Reply to: Re: out of the dark ages posted by Kenzi on November 23, 1999 at 00:40:43:
I've seen some people not bother very much about the NS after unwrapping....they just play with it during the day like peeling off a sunburn, and after a while, it's gone. You exude flex, it comes off. The most active part of the staining happens under the wrap when you're sweating. So what you do after the wrap is off is your own business. Really! I mostly rinse mine off in the shower gently, then rub in oil a time or 3 during the day to get the rest off. Or not. Sometimes I just rinse until its gone. That doesn't work with every city water system, though! I did one try with sponging on Camphor spirit onto the still-pasted-down henna after unwrapping. The Camphor spirit did a fair bit of the dislodging work, and the henna came up "hella" dark. (darker than hershey bar, at mid-leg) . I think getting NS off is fairly individual; depends on how much having stuff stuck on your skin makes you nuts. Patience really helps!