Items for sale at festivals - good idea?
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Posted by MyST on November 23, 1999 at 21:59:47:
Just curious if any of you who have done the festival scene have considered or have taken on selling items at your tent while you do henna. For me, the tapestries that we use in our henna set up are really popular with our clientele and we were thinking about purchasing some or offering them for sale next summer at the festivals, I think they would do well. I realize of course that this means that we will have to declare these items for sales-tax etc....Any suggestions on how to incorporate these items without it being major surgery? Is it possible? Secondly....Do you think it would take away from the henna business? We were also thinking about packaging up little henna kits, and selling them as well at our tent.....any packaging ideas or suggestions from anyone that has had experience with this?? Feel free to email me at or Thanks again! MyST