Re: Items for sale at festivals - good idea?
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Posted by Kenzi on November 24, 1999 at 00:24:26:
In Reply to: Items for sale at festivals - good idea? posted by MyST on November 23, 1999 at 21:59:47:
Having done fairs selling things, I believe that the henna and the products you sell can complement each other. You have already experienced clients looking around while they are being hennaed and wanting to purchase the tapestries. Similarly, people who are looking at stuff you have for sale will see someone getting henna done and become interested in that. And of course, henna kits fit into that complementarity perfectly. I would suggest that you don't do this alone. One person can be hennaing while the other is keeping an eye on the merchandise, answering questions, taking in the money, making sure the display doesn't blow over or blow away, watching for shoplifters, manning the store while you pee, getting snacks etc. I believe that trying to do it on your own would be a detriment to your henna work as well as the work of selling merchandise.