Re: Artistic Integrity and perceptions...
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Posted by Kenzi on November 24, 1999 at 00:40:00:
In Reply to: Artistic Integrity and perceptions... posted by MyST on November 23, 1999 at 21:53:52:
: I do. I have worked many festivals with both, : and I think there is a certain clientele that : frequents each. Obviously little kids are : more for face painting (allthough : I did have a mother once ask me if I would : do henna on her kids face, and I : refused!)......but temporary tattoos are really : big here in MN at the festivals. They piss : me off when they are at the art festivals, : because I figure, hey they aren't CREATING : art by the way, they are just licking and : sticking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the most party I don't : say much about it, but to some degree I feel : that they are competing with what I have to : offer. They are temporary, they wash off, : they have color.....all these advantages. But : the one big advantage that henna will always : have over temp tats, is that it it's art....a : miniarture artistic design designed : specifically for my client. I know how you feel. I sell jewelry and textiles at fairs and I see people selling absolute crap out there and making a ton of money at it. Sometimes I get upset because i am not selling and feel that the crowd doesn't understand what I am selling, but usually at this time the very kind and instructive Universe sends me a person who knows my stuff, knows about the Tuareg (who make my jewelry), or are curious and want to know more. I may not sell as many pieces as the people selling 3 Pokemon key chains for $5, but I sell each piece to an appreicative person who walks away knowing what s/he owns is unique and gorgeous. As for henna vs. temporary tattoos, my point from above is that quality will rise to the top. There will always be people who just want some trow-away type of thing, something cheap, and others who want something unique and lasting and beautiful. You will make your money and reputation off the latter group and build a clientele that will seek you out. And maybe one day, one of those Pokemon key-chain owners will see someone somewhere with your art on their body, ask where they got it done, walk right past the face painters and temporary tattoos to sit at your booth to partake in your art. p.s. Once, at a street fair where i was selling, I bought a bunch of silly barrettes for $2 a bag at a street fair when I could have paid $20 for a beautiful handmade barrette...but I wanted to cheap ones as a gag gift. Go figure.