If you clients inexplicably fails, ask if they have had surgery recently
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Posted by Shanon Lavender on November 25, 1999 at 14:39:02:
About 11 weeks ago I fell down some stairs and broke my leg. They had to surgically repair the fact that legs shouldn't bend just above the ankle and I was wearing my foot at a rather odd angle. At first my henna sucked. It evaporated at the speed of light. It didn't worry me as I saw the rapid exfoliation as a sign that my body was working overtime to heal the surgical scars. Now that same fact is getting extremely annoying. The damn acars looks pretty well sealed up to me. It has been nearly three months and it is still happening. I have three day old palm henna that should be completely gone in about two more days. I typically used to get about two weeks. The henna on the sole of my foot which should be lasting 2-4 weeks is gone in places already. It is also three days old. I will keep trying it every few weeks to see how long this effect lasts. It is discouraging to have your henna going away before it even darkens. Anybody have any experience on how long this effect will last?