Latex for covering unwrappable bits
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 28, 1999 at 03:52:58:
In Reply to: Wrapping and moisturizing posted by Amy L. on November 28, 1999 at 03:08:40:
Shoulders and unwrappable (but non-furry) bits do very well with liquid latex. NS the henna when its dry, (to prevent slight fuzzing of the lines) then apply liquid latex and blow dryer it dry. (Make sure your client is NOT allergic to latex!!!!) (if they don't seem to know, ask if they've ever deeply regretted using a condom). I apply the latex with my fingers, I think others use a squeeze bottle. The only drawback is that if you get it on clothing, it WON'T come off. YOu can powder it with baby powder or such to prevent it being tacky... Leave the latex on overnight. Liquid latex is available from Mehron, Castle Art and Imports and costume shops.