Re: presently only available free.....
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 29, 1999 at 02:31:10:
In Reply to: Re: presently only available free..... posted by liz on November 29, 1999 at 01:16:48:
When someone from the forum seems to be delightful, honest, sincere, a curious and energetic henna person, and I've gotten to know them a bit, I occasionally politely ask them if they'd like the whole smoking heap, (particularly if I know they have a big show coming up and need a boost) and I proceed overload their mail server with it. People whom I regard as friends, tend to get these patterns as a matter of course with emails back and forth. They probably live in perpetual dread of yet another #$%^ slow-loading email from the Reverand Bunny. I only ask that people be absolutely fastidious about copyright. I deal with people one at a time, because someone certainly could screw me over if they got ahold of this and decided to publish it themselves. I try to sort of feel them out before I let go of more than a handful. I'd survive, because I have all the source material, and could redraw all the pieces, but it would be a damned inconvenience. Sometimes peope flatter me by sending me some money when I have sent them a big stack of patterns, and I'm grateful, but I certainly don't demand it.