stickies for wrappies
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on November 29, 1999 at 19:18:27:
Thanks to CCJ for the great about about prettifying wraps. I did a show a couple weeks ago and at first people laughed when I offered star or fish stickers, but then they really got into it and were showing off their decorated bandages. Now, after a trip to the craft store I am well armed with rainbows, hearts, holographic stars, planets and tropical fishies... Oh yeah, I have an appointment coming up for a pregnant lady's tummy (she knows it might not come out so well, she just wants the experience and pampering of henna) would you wrap a tummy? I was thinking of covering the design in surgical cotton and getting cheesecloth to bandage over that. I'm thinking it would need to be a lemon-sugar job since NewSkin isn't advisable for pregnant ladies. All ideas, comments welcome!!