Re: stickies for wrappies
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Posted by lisa on November 29, 1999 at 22:17:25:
In Reply to: stickies for wrappies posted by Natasha Papousek on November 29, 1999 at 19:18:27:
: experience and pampering of henna) would you wrap a tummy? I : was thinking of covering the design in surgical cotton and getting : cheesecloth to bandage over that. I'm thinking it would need to be a : lemon-sugar job since NewSkin isn't advisable for pregnant ladies. : All ideas, comments welcome!! You might want to try putting Micropore tape over a lemon-sugar. I have bad reactions to New Skin, but I haven't had any problems with lemon-sugar and Micropore tape. And my henna stays pretty much glued in place, including my teeny, tiny lines. (Just make sure that you overlay the edges of the tape if your design is wider than one strip width)