Re: Very interesting! Can you describe that again?
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Posted by Jenna on November 30, 1999 at 23:47:38:
In Reply to: Very interesting! Can you describe that again? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 30, 1999 at 16:16:44:
: Run that by me again, and tell me exactly what you did. : I didn't quite understand what you were saying about how you made your : paste, and what you did after the application. What sort of color : were you getting? Where on your skin did you do this? Was there any : irritation? No irritation at all. Here is how it goes: I first put the ammonia spirit to mix with the powder, after a little bit it becomes a bit chunky after sitting, so then I mix my mordant ( a little hot) to make it nice and creamy. It had a nice consistany as if I used honey.I put a small design on the tender underneith part of my arm, waited for it to dry, dabbed twice with lemmon sugar. When I dabbed with the solution, I felt a little tingle as if to say, I AM Working. I only left it on for 1/2 hr. (MIss Impaitient) to see how it would take, and holy mother of pearl, super bright cherry orange, which later turned a nice dark burgandy brown. I cant imagine what it would be like if I left it on overnight, I am going to do this tonight. I just did this little experiment, so I dont know how it would be on other body parts, but I did use the sensitive part of my skin with no affects so far. I also checked it out after only being on five minutes and the stain was incredible. Did I miss anything?