Re: Gray area.. what UP with unenlightened people?
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Posted by Amy L. on December 01, 1999 at 01:12:15:
In Reply to: Gray area posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 30, 1999 at 20:58:26:
Catherine, you don't know my dad. Hmm.. I guess he thinks its satanic or something.. he doesn't quite get the vast difference between a lovely little mehndi and pierced tongue/eyebrow/whatever eminently sensitive spot people are pushing metal through these days... bleh... some people, I tell you! (hehe, oh well, 'tis not stopping me.. from the henna, that is :) Any suggestions? Mark of the whore of Babylon, indeed... Debbie, your concern is quite valid. If nothing else, be near a phone, so the teen can call their parents (or you can talk to them.) Or just find out which soaps and cleansers exfoliate skin or break down the hennotannins REALLY fast...