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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 30, 1999 at 20:58:26:
In Reply to: Applying henna to teens at fairs posted by Debbie on November 30, 1999 at 20:26:38:
In many states, legally, you CANNOT TOUCH a teenager ( and this may extend to henna, temporary tattoos or anything of the sort). The teenager cannot legally give you permission to touch them and their parents can't give permission either. However.....the enforcement of this is mostly non-existant. Ask a local beautician (they have to know ALL the laws about touching and beautifying another person, not only in four part harmony, but with full orchestration and choir), to quote you regulations on the subject, chapter and verse. Then, use your own judgement. Just NEVER, NEVER do anything to another person that will harm them, especially "ppd black henna" ! . If parents get fussy, you could have the full plague of the law upon you, so know the law before you start. You never know when some damn fool will decide that henna is the mark of the whore of Babylon (which, historically, it probably was ... but is this actually a problem for someone?)