Applying henna to teens at fairs
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Posted by Debbie on November 30, 1999 at 20:26:38:
I have a temporary tattoo business (the apply-with-water kind) and have recently begun adding body paints, and hopefully henna as well. We (my husband and I) have been working fairs and festivals. I'm wondering about teenagers who would like henna applied. What I am concerned about is if thier parents object, henna can't be removed like a temporary tattoo or body paint. It's going to be there for a while. Many teens and pre-teens attend these festivals without their parents. Has anyone experienced problems with angry parents? Should we just not apply henna to anyone under 18 without parental consent? Am I worrying over nothing? HELP!
- Gray area Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:58:26 11/30/99