nailpolish, New Skin, cosmetic wax
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Posted by Eliz. on December 02, 1999 at 05:55:14:
In Reply to: Re: Speaking of nailpolish smell..... posted by Kenzi on December 01, 1999 at 01:57:04:
: My idea was made to be trashed! ;-) Oh, but some of the most intriguing ideas are spawned by off-the-wall comments! Or doing silly things, like scrubbing your floors after mehndi. I don't have any of the flexible nail polish (the last ones I tried stripped my nails and ended up leaving them more brittle - but there seem to be a lot more products around these days). Let me know if you end up trying it. : haven't tried NS yet, but : I finally bought a bottle so I will find out what it's like. You're in for some fun, especially if you got the paint-on kind. (I was scared the henna would catch on the brush and contaminate the bottle, but it hasn't so far, even when I tried it wet.) My most recent experiment has been cosmetic-grade wax as a resist and sealer. (Found some on an expedition to a beauty-supply shop. I wouldn't have looked twice if someone hadn't mentioned it here, back in the wax discussion.) It's more flexible than any other wax I've seen, melts at a very comfortable temperature (but is still solid at my skin temp.), cracks slowly, and was a blast to play with. It doesn't always adhere well to the skin, but when it does, it works beautifully as a resist - unlike New Skin or latex, the henna doesn't seep through (unless there's a crack or hole or something). Next time, though, I'm going to have to be patient and wait for the paste to dry before covering it with warm wax. It was still wet in the morning!