Henna resist, irresistable....with Elmers
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Posted by kenzi on December 02, 1999 at 23:59:31:
In Reply to: nailpolish, New Skin, cosmetic wax posted by Eliz. on December 02, 1999 at 05:55:14:
Someone talked about using Elmer's glue as a sealant (to replace New Skin or lemon-sugar), but I wonder how it would work for henna resist? I was thinking about how to apply melted wax for henna resist designs without going out and buying batiking equipment, and I was thinking it would be great if I could put the melted wax in my applicator and use it before it hardened. Seemed impossible, but maybe I can do it with elmer's glue instead (or maybe New Skin). Maybe the liquid of the henna paste would dissolve the glue...hmmmmm. I'll have to give it a try. It might work with rubber cement...wouldn't dissolve and would be relatively flexible. Any ideas, guys and gals?