other teas
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on December 02, 1999 at 14:13:37:
In Reply to: Mordant: does green tea work? posted by Amy L. on December 02, 1999 at 06:34:27:
Earl Grey and Darjeeling are both black teas (nice blends and EG has bergamot added for deliciousness) and should work just fine and also give a lovely fragrance to your mix. Green tea is from the same tea plant, but isn't cured in the same way. Black teas go through a fermentation process before drying. So I don't see why green tea wouldn't work -- perhaps the fermentation activates the tannins, but they would be present before the process... Anyway, I've found tea or coffee of little influence on henna color -- the really important ingredients are FRESH henna and a good acid like lemon juice. The rest is just icing. Although I do like using a spice tea in my mix -- smells nice, adds to the ritual of making the paste, but without good henna all the tea and spices won't make a huge difference. OK. some things help tweak color -- cloves and essential oils that open up the skin (like camphor, eucalyptus, white flower oil mix) -- and coax color from iffy henna, but can't raise dead hennotannins...