Re: Trying to organize a slumber party
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 02, 1999 at 15:55:31:
In Reply to: Trying to organize a slumber party posted by Bill on December 02, 1999 at 15:38:04:
Where do you live? Do you have any artistic ability yourself, or do you have a friend who does? 8 year olds would have a tough time hennaeing themselves without it getting messy. At 8 years old, the best solution might be to purchase the "henna" decals from a beauty supply store. The "mehndi temporary tattoos" that come in the little packages are NOT henna, but it would eliminate a LOT of potential problems about touching, and how long henna lasts .... the decals look pretty, and are harmless, and very temporary, and are suitable for squirelly little girls. If you want to do real henna, go to the website below...that's goe simple reliable instructions on the way to do henna. See if that's within your drawing ability, or if you have a friend that can manage that. Otherwise....hire a henna artist to come in. (in which case, where do you live? )