Re: Trying to organize a slumber party
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Posted by Anne on December 02, 1999 at 21:27:12:
In Reply to: Re: Trying to organize a slumber party posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 02, 1999 at 15:55:31:
8 year olds would have a tough time : hennaeing themselves without it getting messy. Henna in a tube might be a good idea (as someone below has suggested) as would stencils - they don't take much work and the resulting design is pretty - a little nicer than freehand work at that age. : At 8 years old, the best solution might be to purchase the "henna" : decals from a beauty supply store. The "mehndi temporary tattoos" : that come in the little packages are NOT henna, but it would eliminate : a LOT of potential problems about touching, and how long henna lasts : .... the decals look pretty, and are harmless, and very temporary, and : are suitable for squirelly little girls. Catherine has a good point about the transfers - and they might be better for the kids when they're in school. The schools where I've worked don't seem to have a problem with the transfer tattoos - more permanent/semi-permanent art might not go over too well. --Anne