Re: recipes
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 05, 1998 at 04:35:13:
In Reply to: recipes posted by Eric on March 04, 1998 at 23:53:21:
OK...there is "black henna" available, but it does not turn black without some great bother...it has indigo in it , and it is very tedious and smelly to get indigo to release it's dye....it's gotta ferment, and indigo makes a hellacious stench fermenting..."black henna" mostly turns red, and that, rather briefly. Now, you can get some intensely dark colors from "red henna" if you have a skin type that reacts well with henna, you get your paste very acidic, and if you leave it on with clingwrap around your henna tattoo overnight so your skin has a chance to sweat and take up the dye.. Granted, you may want your henna to look like Madonna's in her new video....the quickest blacks will be from acrylic based calligraphy ink (stays on very nicely until you get after it with detergent) or a resin temporary tattoo.(Temptu does it) or manic panic hair dye....but none of these are henna. People will try to get their red henna to go nearly black, but that requires adding stuff that breaks down the protective oil layer on your skin, like lye, wood ash, lime, lighter fluid...potentially harmful stuff. Learn to love the orange, red, maroon, redwood, walnut colors that red henna will turn naturally, or explore resin, acrylic or manic panic. If it's dying your skin, it's IN your skin, and can therefore potentially make you ill if it's not kindly stuff. Any questions will cheerfully be answered at www.mehandi.com and we try to have new henna info up for you every month, new patterns and all...