Re: About Mehndi Oil
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 03, 1999 at 14:04:10:
In Reply to: About Mehndi Oil posted by Jenna on December 02, 1999 at 20:54:37:
What research have you done that leads you to believe that oils applied before and after hennaeing improve the color? In 10 years of hennaeing and countless side by side tests every time someone claims such, I've never actually seen any improvement with the use of oil.... within the useage of decent henna and an overnight wrap. I've gotten some facinating rashes from the oils though...especially from the ones from India marked for henna and with no clue of ingredients. Shelly oil, mixed into the henna, gave me absolutely no improvement, side by side., (One leg with, one leg without) The leg with Shelly oil did, however swell double at the ankle (briefly) , and every henna line, on the third day, blossomed with a line of little madly itchy blisters (they went away in 2 days). I'd love to know why people keep insisting that it's such a good idea to use this stuff.