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Posted by Amy L. on December 07, 1999 at 19:51:16:
In Reply to: A hand I never expected to see hennaed (and other hennaed superstars) posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 07, 1999 at 19:30:33:
Lilith? Hennaed? COOL! Rachel and Leah also had henna before their weddings... OOOH, and if Asherah had henna, then so did Eve. (Asherah (babylonian) = Ninhursag (sumerian) = Ashtaroth (phoenician) = Eve (israelite)... ahhh how I love mythology) There's no evidence of Eve with henna in Genesis, true, but there *is* evidence that the Israelites who recorded Genesis were influenced by Babylonians (and Sumerians, etc) Which is plausible considering how widespread henna is. This could be a really cool list!