Re: to: What's this turpentine smelling stuff in kit? Where in Chicago & other ?s
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Posted by Laura on March 09, 1998 at 21:44:12:
In Reply to: Re: What's this turpentine smelling stuff in kit? Where in Chicago & other ?s posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 06, 1998 at 21:36:48:
: I don't know if the turpentiny stuff is safe....Was your kit the : Mehndi Magic that Sally's carries? Our Sally proprietor was : complaining about those kits, that her customers didn't like : them...especially the smelly stuff and poor instructions. We put out : what we think is a better kit at half the price, but we don't have : national distributors like Sally's, so such is life....speaking as an : artist, turpentine always made my hands sting and dried them out in : oil painting classes at university, but didn't send me to the : doctor...I bet the turp is meant to force the henna through the oil : layer that protects your skin so the dye will stain your skin more. : About your socks, no, you're safe on the staining, your socks will be : fine...the henna is staining the top layers of your skin cells so it : can't rub off. : Any other questions, I'll be glad to help...at www.mehandi.com....oh, : and we just put up some patterns for feet that you can get free off : our website. Click on the purple writing that says Patterns and that : will get you to the free pattern section. The feet are just below : the lotus patterns. Just print them out and have fun! Thanks and yes, the kit I boought is Mehndi Magic. The stuff that smells like turpentine is marked eucalyptus oil. I didn't use it. I did a patch test using lemon juice instead. At first the collor was a very pale orange and after a day or so the color turned a dark brownish orange.