Re: What's this turpentine smelling stuff in kit? Where in Chicago & other ?s
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 06, 1998 at 21:36:48:
In Reply to: What's this turpentine smelling stuff in kit? Where in Chicago & other ?s posted by Laura on March 06, 1998 at 20:01:41:
I don't know if the turpentiny stuff is safe....Was your kit the Mehndi Magic that Sally's carries? Our Sally proprietor was complaining about those kits, that her customers didn't like them...especially the smelly stuff and poor instructions. We put out what we think is a better kit at half the price, but we don't have national distributors like Sally's, so such is life....speaking as an artist, turpentine always made my hands sting and dried them out in oil painting classes at university, but didn't send me to the doctor...I bet the turp is meant to force the henna through the oil layer that protects your skin so the dye will stain your skin more. About your socks, no, you're safe on the staining, your socks will be fine...the henna is staining the top layers of your skin cells so it can't rub off. Any other questions, I'll be glad to help...at www.mehandi.com....oh, and we just put up some patterns for feet that you can get free off our website. Click on the purple writing that says Patterns and that will get you to the free pattern section. The feet are just below the lotus patterns. Just print them out and have fun!