most water makes no difference
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 18, 1999 at 23:15:29:
In Reply to: Mix posted by Muscari on December 18, 1999 at 11:20:42:
Don't pay all that much attention to the "water no-no". If you think carefully about the chemistry of henna, and how it binds to skin, the "water no-no" make very much sense, really. The hennotannic acid molecules are bound to your skin molecules,INSIDE THE CELL WALLS, so water isn't going to do much to them. As long as the henna had a good, long, wrapped, hot time on your skin, the color is IN your skin, and several layers down, at that! Now, there are SOME waters coming out of the tap that have big doses of chlorine, and that will bleach out your henna. If you soak or scrub, that will exfoliate the skin, and that could spoil the color. If you want to be careful, wash with rainwater (acidic) or steam iron water. Wash briefly if you're worried. No point having a cloud of fruitflies hovering over your leftover lemon sugar all day...... I wash after hennaeing, and my clients do also, and deep burgundies, chocolate colors even near black are the norm for most of my henna work. However, once, I was in a hotel doing a henna gig, and their water was so chlorinated, that my henna turned from burgundy to pumpkin in a 15 minute shower. The town next to Stow, kent, has water that eats henna. So..... one water is perfectly fine to wash in. Another can be a problem. If in doubt, grab the steam iron water.