Catherine, and anybody else who may have an answer.
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Posted by Giselle on December 21, 1999 at 09:22:06:
In Reply to: Questions posted by MyST on December 20, 1999 at 19:11:13:
Have you ever denied doing a person because you weren't comfortable with him/her? You know there are those types of people out there that are like leaches, and once they think they're in your life then they must be part of it... Like, you know you don't really like this client, but he asked you for a simple design, and then suddenly he's at your doorstep for the next week for "more work to be done..." Gosh, I can imagine how uncomfortable that can be. How do you explain to a person that you don't want his business because he's too weird? I guess the best way would be to just say it like that and risk offending the person, hmmm? Anything to get them out of your comfort zone?