Fine-lining it
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Posted by Amy L. on December 25, 1999 at 01:19:29:
Wow... thanks so much, everyone, for all your nice comments in the thread below. I feared the whole thing would come out a mottled crimson blob after the wrap! Wonder of wonders, my mom actually likes it now! Just wondering, for Catherine (or anyone else who knows), how do you end up with very thin pretty lines? I poked a pin-hole in the corner of a ziplock bag and used that for a cone, and it seems to work very well, but as you can see, the lines are not that thin. It may have spread a bit under the wrap, but it was certainly thicker than a pin when I laid it out. Any tricks for getting those REALLY gorgeous thin lines? I'm thinking of doing one of Catherine's winter peace patterns next, and the doves are just too pretty to use fat lines on.