Re: I have a question on patterns
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 06, 2000 at 15:59:09:
In Reply to: Re: I have a question on patterns posted by Eve on January 06, 2000 at 15:37:44:
I was talking to a Pakistani fellow the other day who says that his brother in New Jersey does henna for their family festivities, and that his henna was minutely detailled and complex ..... like intensely patterned Koranic miniatures. So, yes, the hair-thin henna patterns are in vogue, at least with a New Jersey Khan family. YOu might ask if they have holiday greetings, like "Peace" that they would like in the henna pattern ... and ask them to write it out on paper first. The Pakistani fellow liked the pattern I had on my hand at the time that said "a-salaam" (Ah, peace, or Oh, wonderful), though he could just make it out in the Arabic I had written, as he was more familiar with Urdu.